Welcome to Behavior Bits!
Your educational resource for behavior-related pet training tips. In this section of the web site, you will find helpful and easy-to-implement behavior training recommendations from industry experts. These short training “bits” are only 3‑5 minutes each and cover various topics such as crate training, enrichment toys, how to prepare for a veterinary visit, and much, much more.
Will I always need to confine my dog?
There may come a time when your dog is house trained and you may want to allow them more freedom.
Is it necessary to confine my dog when I leave and how would I teach my dog to be confined?
Young puppies and adolescent dogs may benefit from a designated spot in the house that is a restricted.
The pluses and minuses of dog parks: are they right for my dog and me?
Some dogs enjoy dog parks and some do not.
Making life more interesting for your canine friend: Enrichment toys
When dogs are left to their own devices, they often end up engaging in dog-like behaviors that may be fun for them but annoying for us.
Are some walks better than others?
You and your dog may walk for the same reasons or different reasons.
Did my dog rearrange my house?
After a period of lengthy togetherness, some dogs may get anxious when left alone.
The barking sounds like my dog is very upset
If your barking dog sounds upset when you are home, go to your dog and see what is upsetting them.
Bark, bark, bark! How is a person supposed to work?
One of the most common types of barking is alarm barking out windows or behind fences.
Information leads the way for change!
If the barking is excitement, there are several things that help
Breaking Down the Bark
Not all barking occurs for the same reason. Nor do all barks sound the same.
Visit the Behavior Buzzzzzz podcast with Dr Amy Pike and Dr Amy Learn to “bee” informed about all things behavior-related.